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Half Purple and Blue Butterfly

Saturday, March 12, 2011

need to live with zero regret...

huh..selepas kehidupan tunggang tbalik di oztel...
kni tibalah mase utk mereng2 di rumahh...
haish,,,hmwek dah melangit,,tp mcm biase lahh...
belum ade mud nak mulaa...
bilaa lahh cek puan nadia ni nak berubah...??
feel sorry wif my own life huh??
result pun belum pnah meletup lagi...
whats wrong wif me???tk setadi kea???
tak faham kea or im misconection dgn yg di atas??
entahh lahh...bnyak lagi yg aku kne ubah for da sake of SPM...
n most important is for my own life...teeettt...
pray for me....dari dulu nak berubah but dat still not happen yet..
seriously,,I WANT TO CHANGE for many REASONS....
but tade guna regret thing dat had happen 
failure is not as scary as regret kann
n people say 
so miss nadia
dont regret da past,,just learn from it..
 n da first thing u got to learn is,,do yr hmwekk,,
so people,,u noe where im going rite...
see ya laterrr..kisskiss.

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