bubble cursor


Half Purple and Blue Butterfly

Sunday, April 29, 2012

new layout :)

asalamualaikum guys,,harini terasa lebih rajin sikit...
so i'll change this layout since lama gilaa pakai layout cokelat tuu...
mybe nmpak dull 4you but i like this colour..haha :DD *terpaksa
actually ordinary layout yg mcm ni jelah yg mmpu dbuat...
dah try guna skins tp hampehh tak reti connect blog dengan skin...
so let me get jealous to you guys sbb blogskin korg freakingly awesome...
andd poor for me this time...

ahhaa but later i'll search how to connect it andd sure i revealed it after some time...
just wait andd see yaa :))

if ada yg nk tlong boleh totur me how to use skins...
ilmu patut dikongsi..barulah bertambah kann ^^


Akmal Dina said...

salam ukhti nadia.. nama saya dina. nadia nie kwn faiz kan? syukran ya, follow. :) sayang krn Allah ya. :)

shabby lahh:D said...

welcome :D sayang kerana ALLAH juga..mohon ditunjukkan jalan andai saya tersalah...